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RM EasyLink Installation Prerequisites


The RM EasyLink software is installed on all servers on your RM Connect Network (PDCs and BDCs only) with one of these servers being configured as the EasyLink web server. In addition to the configuration that occurs on your Local Area Network, it is necessary to set up a number of Internet specific services. We have provided a list of these additional services to ensure that once the software becomes available, the installation is straightforward and successful. If you have not set up these services, the RM EasyLink software will not work.

All Sites

  • EasyLink website DNS (Domain Name Service) address record

Ensure that you have a valid domain address record, and that you have contacted your ISP to assign this to the public IP address of the server that will host RM EasyLink, (or your proxy server if you have one).

If IfL is your ISP, the DNS will be set up by IfL as folders. <domain name> (e.g. unless an alternative is requested

  • Port 443

Some ISPs may not permit inbound traffic through Port 443 of their firewall.  Your ISP will therefore need to open Port 443 for both inbound and outbound traffic.

  • Dial-up (ISDN) or Permanent (Leased Line or Broadband) Connection

You need to have Internet access through a leased line, broadband, or using an ISDN connection that supports DialBack access.

  • Connect 2.3 or above including the Y2K update pack

Your server will need a minimum of 200MB of free disk space on drive C: and 50MB on drive D: on each server (PDC and BDCs) in your network.

Sites with Dial-up (ISDN) Connection

  • DialBack

If you have an ISDN Internet connection, you need to ensure your router is configured for DialBack. All routers supplied by RM for Internet connectivity are capable of this. For more information about DialBack, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section.

  • Calling Line Identification Protocol (CLIP)

If you are using an ISDN connection, you must ensure that you have Calling Line Identification Protocol (CLIP) enabled. Please contact your telecommunications provider (e.g. BT) to ensure this is enabled. For more information about CLIP and DialBack, please see the Frequently Asked Questions section. For BT contact information, please see the Contact Details section.

You are responsible for ordering CLIP through your telecommunications provider. If you are using BT, allow at least 4/5 days turnaround for this to be set-up.
Also, if you have multiple ISDN lines, please ensure that you give both your ISP and your telecommunications provider the same number (to enable CLIP and DialBack to operate successfully).

  • Router Timer Switch

If you are using a router timer switch to control the times your router is available, it is important to review these times to allow RM EasyLink access. More information on BT’s ISDN tariffs (and the recommended tariff for use with EasyLink) can be found in Frequently Asked Questions.

Permanent Internet Connection (Leased Line or Broadband)

  • Public Facing IP Address

If you have a leased line or broadband connection to the Internet, you do not need either CLIP or DialBack to be set up. However, your ISP will need to provide a public facing IP address for the EasyLink website.

  • DNS Address Record/Network Address Translation

Your ISP may need to provide a DNS address record for this public IP address. There may also be a requirement to use NAT (Network Address Translation) to link through to the EasyLink web server.

If your Internet Connection is delivered via a WAN Centre, the services detailed above still apply.

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