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RM EasyLink Frequently Asked Questions

What is DialBack?
What is CLIP?
How do I set up CLIP?
How can I avoid unwanted Internet costs?
What security does EasyLink provide?
How do I configure an onsite proxy or firewall to allow EasyLink access?
How do I upgrade from RM EasyLink Version 1?


What is DialBack?

DialBack is a configuration that is required on your router (if you have a dial-up ISDN Internet connection) to allow users to access your EasyLink website.

Your router will disconnect the ISDN line when there is no activity from your network to the Internet. This means that when a user tries to access your EasyLink website (which is hosted on a Connect server behind the router) they cannot do so until the router is alive.

The configuration of DialBack on the router (together with changes to the zone file and radius profile by the ISP) ensures that your EasyLink website can be reached remotely.

Please note that the presence of CLIP on the ISDN line is necessary for DialBack to operate correctly.

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What is CLIP?

Calling Line Identification Protocol (CLIP) is a function that can be applied to your ISDN line. CLIP enables the router to know who is calling it before the call arrives. For DialBack to operate correctly, CLIP needs to be present on the ISDN line.

Once DialBack is configured, and CLIP is present, the following scenario occurs when a remote user accesses your EasyLink website:

  1. The remote user enters the URL to your EasyLink website into their browser.
  2. The request is directed to your establishment's ISP, who then attempts to bring your router online.
  3. The router receives the details of who is calling it (via CLIP) before the call is received.
  4. The router validates the incoming ISDN number, drops the call (so that your establishment's ISP does not pay any charges) and then dials back to this ISP (bringing the router on-line).
  5. It is important to note that your establishment pays costs for the duration of the remote users visit.

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How do I set up CLIP?

Your telecommunications provider will be able to set up CLIP for you on a designated ISDN line number. You must ensure that your ISP knows on which ISDN line CLIP is being set up, as they will need this number when configuring DialBack.

If BT is your telecommunications provider, you can contact them on:

Telephone 0800 155 005 (Press option 3)
Fax 0800 389 6079

You will need to provide your ISDN number, a contact name and a contact number. If you fax BT, then please ensure that this is on headed notepaper.

CLIP is charged at £5 per quarter.

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How can I avoid unwanted Internet costs?

Many schools and colleges now connect to the Internet using ISDN together with BT Schools Internet Caller (SIC). BT SIC provides pre-paid line rental and unmetered Internet access between the hours of 8am and 6pm, Monday to Friday, during term time. This covers most schools’ and colleges’ Internet access during normal school hours.

There are, however, many reasons why you might want to connect to the Internet outside of the standard SIC hours. For example, evening classes, homework clubs and remote Internet use amongst others. Less obvious Internet activity could include leaving a computer on overnight with an active Internet connection such as Internet-based screensavers, newsflash banners or any other application that requires a regular connection to the Internet.

RM EasyLink provides authorised remote users with access to school network resources including My Work areas, shared Topics and the Intranet. With the added requirement of DialBack, this means that EasyLink users may well incur additional or unexpected Internet charges.

To cover these costs we are recommending BT SIC Evening and Weekend options for customers who expect to use the Internet outside of standard SIC hours, for more than 40 minutes a day, on a regular basis.

For additional information on how you can avoid unwanted Internet costs please follow this link. Click here

To contact BT directly, please call 0800 672 655, or look at the BT SIC website

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What security does EasyLink provide?

  • SSL / Certificates

RM EasyLink is a secure website, as it uses the SSL protocol (Secure Sockets Layer) on port 443 for all data transfer. Clients connect to your establishment’s EasyLink website using https in the URL. All user information (usernames and passwords) and data transfer is encrypted, providing security from potential network hackers.

  • Authenticated Users

All RM EasyLink users need to have an NT account on your network, and must authenticate by entering a username and password before gaining access to the EasyLink site.

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How do I configure an onsite proxy or firewall to allow EasyLink access?

Your proxy server will need to be configured for reverse hosting to allow access to the EasyLink website. The EasyLink Administrator's Guide describes the configuration required for the RM ICS product (or any Microsoft Proxy 2 server). Please contact your proxy provider for configuration details for reverse hosting on other proxies. You will need to open up your firewall to allow port 443 access both inbound and outbound.

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How do I upgrade from RM EasyLink Version 1?

You may have already installed Version 1 of RM EasyLink. To check this, please follow these instructions:

  • Logon as Administrator at your PDC
  • Open Windows Explorer
  • Browse to D:\RMVA
  • Open the file Connect.ini and check the entry under [RM EasyLink] for Version=xx.)

If the version is 1.0, then you should upgrade. All relevant utilities and instructions are included on the latest EasyLink CD. This process requires you to "clean up" the existing installation on your servers (it does not remove EasyLink completely). You are then able to install the latest version of the software contained on the CD. Please ensure that you follow the upgrade instructions on the CD before attempting the upgrade.

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