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RM EasyLink

Welcome to the RM EasyLink Information page

What is RM EasyLink?

RM EasyLink is a secure website that is hosted on an RM Connect Server (either a PDC or a BDC). This website uses Web Folders technology to enable users to access files on your network from a computer that is not managed by RM Network Management Tools.

What information will I find on these pages?

These web pages are intended to provide information to assist RM customers with the successful installation of EasyLink. The details included within these pages may also be useful for 3rd Party ISPs who have been asked to set up the Internet services required before EasyLink can be installed.

Information for ISPs and Broadband Suppliers

If you are an ISP who has received a request from an establishment (school or college) to configure services for RM EasyLink and require further details, please go to Information for 3rd Party ISPs & Broadband Suppliers.

If you are having problems using this site please email:

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