After you have imported a computer policy, you can apply it to computers, by using the RM Management Console, Computers option.
You exert precise control over your computers and users by changing the settings; configuring or changing them, as appropriate.
These settings are enforced on computers set to the Standard and Advanced security levels, and they apply to all users by default.
Registry Policies > Managing Policies > Delete a policyDeleting a policyYou cannot delete policies that are currently assigned to computers or users.
We recommend that you only run a health check when registry policies are not being applied correctly to users or computers.
... Registry Policies HelpThe Registry Policies option enables you to manage and change settings that apply to computers and users across your network.
You exert precise control over your computers and users by changing the settings; configuring or changing them, as appropriate.
These settings are enforced on computers set to the Standard and Advanced security levels, and they apply to all users by default.
... Registry Policies HelpThe Registry Policies option enables you to manage and change settings that apply to computers and users across your network.
... Registry Policies HelpThe Registry Policies option enables you to manage and change settings that apply to computers and users across your network.