Information for customers who have Windows Server 2008 which goes end of life in January 2020.
Provides a solution if Windows 8.1/Windows 10 Client Pack on Community Connect 4 (CC4) installation fails at CC4.4 shortcuts.
Microsoft Windows uses the Kerberos authentication system, which is sensitive to differences in time between servers and clients.
Provides information on configuring the Windows Deployment Services (WDS) on a Community Connect 4 (CC4) build server with multiple CC4 build disks ...
The Community Connect 4.5 (CC4.5) Reference Manual describes how to set up and use a CC4.5 network based on Windows Server 2012R2.
Provides information on how Windows 10 will be delivered and serviced on CC4.
Explains how to convert the RDX drive to allow features like scheduled backups through Windows Server Backup.
Provides information for customers who have Windows Server 2012 which goes end of life in October 2023.
Explains why some shortcuts in the Accessories program set are not available on 64 bit Community Connect 4 computers.
Explains why some shortcuts in the Accessories program set are not available on 64 bit Community Connect 4 computers.