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Managing Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificates on RM Windows web hosting
Published Date : 10 Jul 2013   Last Updated : 04 Oct 2024   Content Ref: TEC3362696  


The RM Windows® web hosting solution has an optional add-on which allows hosted websites to be secured with a Secure Socket Layer (SSL) certificate. Adding SSL to a website will require a DNS change and the details of the DNS change will be communicated during the configuration of the SSL option.


For the SSL option to be enabled the website must be hosted on RM web hosting with an advanced package. If the website is already with RM on a basic package, an upgrade can be scheduled at the same time as enabling the SSL. SSL is enabled in a two stage process. This is because once SSL is fully enabled the website will be hosted on its own dedicated IP address. Both stages can be completed prior to an SSL certificate being purchased.

  • Stage 1: Allocate a dedicated IP address for the domain.
  • Stage 2: Migrate domain on to the dedicated IP address and enable the SSL options.

Once stage 2 has been completed, SSL certificate can be requested and installed.


Generating a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
  1. Log on to Plesk by clicking the link below:
    https://winwebXX.vws.ifl.net:8443 - where XX is the Windows web server number that your site is hosted on.
  2. Click 'Secure Your Site with SSL Certificate'.
  3. Click Add SSL Certificate.
  4. Complete the form and click Request. Plesk will generate the private key and CSR for your site.
  5. Click Certificate Name.
  6. Scroll down to find the CSR.

Installing a certificate once provided by a Certificate Authority (CA)
  1. Once you have received the certificate, log on to Plesk by clicking the link below:
    https://winwebXX.vws.ifl.net:8443  - where XX is the Windows web server number that your site is hosted on.
  2. Click 'Secure Your Site with SSL Certificate'.
  3. In the Text field, either paste the plain text certificate and CA certificate or select the files by clicking the Choose File option and click Send Text or Send File.
  4. Click 'Websites & Domains'.
  5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the domain name.
  6. From the Certificate drop-down menu, select the certificate and click OK.

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Document Keywords: Webhosting, Windows, SSL, Certificate, 3362696, TEC3362696

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