Windows Updates > Updates: an overview

Updates: an overview

From time to time Microsoft will issue an update to an existing product. Installing an update will keep your computer up-to-date and running smoothly. An update should be installed on all computers that have the product installed. You can manage the installation of updates from the RM Management Console.

When an update is ready for distribution, we make it available. On installation, your system is configured to receive updates from Microsoft Update. Alternatively, you can obtain the update from an upstream WSUS server. An upstream WSUS server is a server that has RM Windows Updates installed on it, for example it may be a server maintained by your local authority. If you will be using a proxy server to contact the upstream server, you will need to specify settings for the proxy server.

Updates are downloaded to the server's hard disk (synchronised) according to the Windows update schedule where they await for your approval for testing or distribution. Approved updates are distributed for installation on your computers according to the installation schedule. You can change the settings for either of these schedules.

Before you distribute an update to all your computers, you can choose to first check it on a small test group of computers. To do this, you need to change the status of the update to 'Approve for Testing'. You can then install the update on the test group at will, or according to the installation schedule.

When you are ready to distribute the update to your computers, you change the status of the update to Approve. The update will then be distributed to the appropriate computers in your network according to your installation schedule.

At any time, you can view a summary of the approval status for all the updates on the server; you can also view the status for all updates on the Installation Overview.

If you choose to decline an update, it will not be distributed to any computers on your network.

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