Windows Updates > Updates: an overview >Synchronise the WSUS server from an upstream WSUS server

Synchronising the WSUS server from an upstream WSUS server

You can set up your WSUS server to receive its updates from another (upstream) server rather than directly from Microsoft Update.

To synchronise the WSUS server from an upstream WSUS server

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Software, and then expand Windows Updates.

  2. From the left-hand pane, choose the WSUS server.

  3. From the right-hand pane, click the Settings button.

  4. On the Update Source tab, select 'Synchronise from another upstream WSUS server'.

  5. Type the name of the upstream server in the Server Name field.

  6. Type the number for the port with which to retrieve updates from the upstream server.

  7. To use the SSL protocol when synchronising update information, tick the box.

  8. Click OK.

Related Topics

Synchronising the WSUS server from Microsoft Update
Set the synchronisation schedule