Microsoft® Windows Server Update Services (Microsoft WSUS) enables you to use the RM Management Console to manage the distribution of Microsoft product updates to selected computers within your network. Installing an update will keep your computer up-to-date and running smoothly. An update should be installed on all computers that have the product installed. You can manage the installation of updates from the RM Management Console.
To manage the updates, you need to configure a Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) server, which acts as a repository for the updates, and Windows Update Agents (WUA), which download and install the updates on individual computers. You can also set up a test group of computers you can use to confirm there are no problems with the updates before approving them for distribution for installation on the rest of the network.
To access Windows Updates, from the left-hand pane of the RM Management
Console, expand Software, and then expand
Windows Updates.
For further information on the Windows Updates option and all other aspects of Community Connect 4, you can search the RM Knowledge Library.