Windows Updates > Updates: an overview > Approve updates

Approving updates

Before an update is installed on computers in your network, you must approve it.

First, you may choose to check the update on a small test group of computers to confirm there are no problems with the updates before approving them for distribution to the computers on your network for installation.

The approval can be manual (described below) or automatic (see Related Topics).

To approve updates

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Software, expand Windows Updates, and then expand the server.

  2. Choose Approval Pending.

  3. From the right-hand pane, right-click the update and from the menu, choose Approve.

The update is added to the Approved list which you can access from the left-hand pane.


  • You can use the same process to approve multiple updates. First select all the updates you want to approve.

  • You can select all the updates in the right-hand pane by clicking a single update and then pressing Ctrl and A at the same time.

Related Topics

Approve updates for testing
Testing updates

Automatically approve new version of approved updates