Windows Updates > Updates: an overview > Approve updates for testing

Approving updates for testing

Before an update is installed on computers in your network, you can first check it on a small group of test computers.

To approve updates for testing

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Software, expand Windows Updates, and then expand the server.

  2. Choose Approval Pending.

  3. From the right-hand pane, right-click the required update and from the menu, choose 'Approve for Testing'.

The selected update is added to the Approved For Testing list which you can access from the left-hand pane.


  • You can use the same process to approve multiple updates. First select all the updates you want to approve for testing.

  • You can select all the updates in the right-hand pane by clicking a single update and then pressing Ctrl and A at the same time.

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Add or remove a computer from the test group