Packages & Products
Packages & Products: overview
Create a package
View the list of available packages
Import a package
Assign packages or products to a computer
Assign packages or products to all computers in a location
Specify default packages for a location
View the packages or products assigned to a computer
View the packages or products assigned to a location
Change the installation order of packages or products
Set up dependencies for a package
Schedule assignment of a package or product
View the packages in a product
Remove a package or product from a computer
Remove packages or products from all computers in a location
Repair a package
Reassign a package or product
Withdraw a package from use
Remove a package from the network
View a package's properties
Edit a package's advanced properties
View the contents of a package
View a package's dependencies
Set restart details for a package
Set constraints for a package
Set up shortcuts for a package
Set security for a package
Synchronise packages and products on a computer
Export a package or product
View the packages and products assignment overview
Specify the locations to be displayed in the overview
Specify the packages and products to be displayed in the overview
View a package's assignment details