Details why the CC4 computer build fails with the error message "Image handling exception : WIMGAPI function WIMExportImage failed with error 2 while ...
Explains why users are presented with "Oops, we couldn't connect to CC4Access" error message when trying to connect to the CC4 Access Web Client and ...
Describes the latest update to Intune (Endpoint Manager) to allow the Google Chrome browser to be more easily configured.
Describes the terminology used to describe currently supported Community Connect 4 networks - their versioning, components and features.
Provides a workaround to a known issue where computers show as 'Offline' in the RM Management Console (RMMC).
A process for creating a Hand-In Point folder without RM Learning Resources to enable students to upload their work in a secure and safe manner.
If there is unallocated drive space available on a hard disk in a Community Connect 4 server, it is possible to extend volume so that more space can ...
Error "ExclusiveUseChecker has stopped working" message is displayed when you log on to the computer as any user type on a Community Connect 4 network.
Explains why the Microsoft Teams desktop app can have large cache files.
A download to install updated drivers for use during computer builds on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks.