... in progress, such as the last time the task was modified, the commands being run by the task, and the names of the target computers for the task.
The Report Target, which can be one or more users, computers, printers or programs.
To generate a build disk imageFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers, then expand Build and choose Build Disks.
The Report Target, which can be one or more users, computers, printers or programs.
... Registry Policies HelpThe Registry Policies option enables you to manage and change settings that apply to computers and users across your network.
... in the assignment overview, you can see the status of selected locations and computers to which those packages and products have been assigned.
You exert precise control over your computers and users by changing the settings; configuring or changing them, as appropriate.
These settings are enforced on computers set to the Standard and Advanced security levels, and they apply to all users by default.
... automatic approvalYou can select specific update types to be installed on computers automatically, that is, without you needing to approve them first.
... navigate to another area of the RM Management Console (for example, Users or Computers ) after making changes, you will be asked whether you want to apply ...