Registry Policies > Managing Policies > Delete a policyDeleting a policyYou cannot delete policies that are currently assigned to computers or users.
You can export lists of items such as computers, users, or printers.
For example, you might want to schedule computers to be shot down at the end of the day, or for packages to be assigned after school hours.
... overview is displayed in a grid format in the right-hand pane: computers or locations form the rows, and packages and products form the columns.
... in progress, such as the last time the task was modified, the commands being run by the task, and the names of the target computers for the task.
... overview is displayed in a grid format in the right-hand pane: computers or locations form the rows, and packages and products form the columns.
... sets: overviewControl sets: overviewA control set is a grouping of users and/or computers which the access level applies to so that you can manage access ...
You can then choose when to distribute the updates for installation on your computers.
Groups of users or computers that are created in the RM Management Console are displayed in red and cannot be edited.