Microsoft Office 2019 integration pack fails to install on CC4 Matrix sites due to an issue creating the DNS entry.
Outlines the steps required to successfully activate Windows 10 computers.
A regularly updated article detailing technologies reaching EOL that may affect your teaching and learning.
... the right-hand pane might not reflect the latest state of information, for example after you have created many users or updated a number of packages .
Explains how to patch Trend Micro on-premise to enable the installation of the updates in response to the Meltdown vulnerability.
The procedure to fix the issue of UEV not working correctly for privileged users.
Details the product offering and support description for Intune and Autopilot.
This is a critical CC4 update to the RM Service Host which enhances security in the component.
For example, you might want to schedule computers to be shot down at the end of the day, or for packages to be assigned after school hours.
Provides an update to remap all the network drives and printers for locations using RM My Connect.