Managing selection groups of users, computers, printers or programs.
If you want to run the Report Builder on one or more individual users, computers , printers or programs, you need to add new entries to this list.
The key is a security measure to prevent unauthorised users from building computers.
... templateDeleting a build templateTo delete a build templateFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers , then expand Build and choose Build Templates.
... enables you to:View the selected task's description and details, including each command in the task and a list of computers targeted by the task.
... is received onto the WSUS server, it will be installed on computers in your network according to your update schedule without any further action.
Import Package windowThis window enables you to import packages into the RM Management Console, for assignment to computers or locations.
The overview is displayed in a grid format in the right-hand pane: computers or locations form the rows, and updates form the columns.