Viewing the Installation Overview

The WSUS Installation Overview enables you to view installation status of the Windows updates assigned to computers or locations on your network.

The overview is displayed in a grid format in the right-hand pane: computers or locations form the rows, and updates form the columns. The status of each update assigned to a computer is indicated by an icon; these icons are explained at the bottom of the window.

To view the Installation Overview

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Software icon Software, expand Windows Updates and choose Picture of the Assignment Overview icon.Installation Overview.

  2. To display all the updates within an update type, for example, Security Updates, expand the type of update in the column heading.

  3. To show the locations for your computers, tick the Show Locations box.

  4. To display all the updates for all the update types, click the Expand All button. You can hide them again by clicking the Collapse All button.

  1. To customise your view of the WSUS Installation Overview, refer to Related Topics.

Related Topics

View the properties of an update
Customise the Installation Overview