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CC4 Help

To display a message at a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

To restart a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

To create a restore image of a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

... at a computerRunning a command at a computerTo run a command at a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

To create a restore image of a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

To log a user off a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

... at a computerRunning a command at a computerTo run a command at a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

To display a message at a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

This includes tasks such as starting, restarting, and shutting down computers.

CC4 Help

This includes tasks such as starting, restarting, and shutting down computers.

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