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CC4 Help

To update a computer's inventoryFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

Computers > Managing Computers> View the type of computer    Viewing the type of computerThe computer type is set when the computer is built, and ...

CC4 Help

To select target computers for the packages or productsUnder 'Target computers', click the Add button.

CC4 Help

WebHelp 5.50

CC4 Help

WebHelp 5.50

CC4 Help

You can remove a package from individual computers, or all computers within a location.

CC4 Help

To add a drive mapping to a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

CC4 Help

Further information is provided in Computers Help.

CC4 Help

Computers > Managing Computers> View the type of computer    Viewing the type of computerThe computer type is set when the computer is built, and ...

CC4 Help

To display a message at a computerFrom the left-hand pane, expand Computers and choose All Computers.

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