To add new members to a selection groupYou can add more users, computers, programs or printers to a selection group.
Explains the process to import an MSU file into the RM Management Console (RMMC).
Provides an updated ADM file to allow auto updates to be disabled using the RM Management Console.
Computers > Managing drive mappingsManaging drive mappings: overviewA drive mapping is the assignment of a drive letter on a computer to access a ...
Computer ReportsComputer Activity Detailed Report: activity of one or a small group of computers.
CC4 Windows 10, CC4 Access Server 2016 and Server 2019 Start menu duplicate shortcuts do not appear in multiple program sets.
Managing selection groups of users, computers, printers or programs.
If you want to run the Report Builder on one or more individual users, computers , printers or programs, you need to add new entries to this list.