You can choose whether to show only updates applicable to selected computers.
... and uninstallation command-line arguments for MSI and EXE products, and choose whether products can be repaired or uninstalled from computers .
... disk driveAdding or deleting a disk driveYou can add disks representing your computers to a build template, for example a hard disk with a 250GB drive.
The overview is displayed in a grid format in the right-hand pane: computers or locations form the rows, and updates form the columns.
Instead, you will have to use the Add/Remove Programs feature to remove the program from individual computers.
... Printers HelpBefore you can make a printer available to locations or computers , you must have installed and configured the Windows® printer driver ...
Explains how to enable Windows Update 'Features on Demand' on a CC4 network to install additional language packs or remote administration.
Explains how to adjust the recovery partition in a CC4 build template to take account of smaller disks.