Computers > Managing Computers> Specify a custom remote control programSpecifying a custom remote control programIf you have a program other than ...
Select the Assignments tab to view a list of computers and locations configured to print to the printer.
If a server on a Community Connect 4 network is not correctly registered in DNS, users may not receive any Program Sets in their Start Menu.
... template is based on, and can include the following:The local administrator's username and password for managing computers built with this template.
Import Package windowThis window enables you to import packages into the RM Management Console, for assignment to computers or locations.
Explains why the 'Offline settings' option in Microsoft Outlook Web App is not available on CC4 and CoP networks and how to resolve it.
Details why non-administrative users can access local drives by creating a shortcut on N: drive on a Community Connect 4 network and provides a ...
How to make changes to the network to ensure that a group of users are forced to change their password the next time they log on to the network.
Provides information on a new release that customers should install if they use UEV on CC4.