Information on the reason behind this error event being generated on server start up.
Information on the reason behind this error event being generated on server start up.
... an issue where CC4 package installations may not continue if a computer restarts after installing a package that contains an unexpected reboot.
... an issue where CC4 package installations may not continue if a computer restarts after installing a package that contains an unexpected reboot.
CC4 package installation fails because Windows Installer is currently installing or configuring another package.
CC4 package installation fails because Windows Installer is currently installing or configuring another package.
All of a user's stored lists, smart-lists and folders may disappear in the RM Management Console in CC4.
All of a user's stored lists, smart-lists and folders may disappear in the RM Management Console in CC4.
The installation guide for RM mini PC, including instructions on how to assemble the 17" hard glass monitor.
It is possible to start the Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer build process by booting to the network (rather than CD or USB drives).