Provides a workaround to a known issue where computers show as 'Offline' in the RM Management Console (RMMC).
Have Your Say is your opportunity to suggest what you would like to see in the next release of Community Connect.
Explains how to update a Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer with the latest system updates.
Explains how to add all computers or servers to the WSUS test group regardless of their location.
When you try to add or edit the drive mapping using the RMMC on the CC4 network, the screen hangs at loading.
Details an issue where restricted users cannot see the network icon and change wireless networks on a Windows 10 computer on a CC4 network and ...
Describes the terminology used to describe currently supported Community Connect 4 networks - their versioning, components and features.
Describes the default behaviour of Microsoft Outlook where the welcome screen pops up when the application is invoked for the first time by a user.
Explains why there is an incorrect build date recorded in a Windows 10 computer's RM Management Console (RMMC) properties.
Explains why you are unable to build computers with the default assignments after a CC4.3 to CC4.5 upgrade.