Windows 10 will disable the wallpaper caching because it introduces a new wallpaper for CC4 Windows 10 computers.
Provides an update to ensure that User Account Control (UAC) is switched off on Community Connect 4 servers running Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2.
Provides an update to ensure that User Account Control (UAC) is switched off on Community Connect 4 servers running Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2.
High CPU and server performance degradation will be seen if both are enabled on a CC4.5 server or CC4 CoP server.
Details why older computers whose HDD drives have been replaced with SSD drives behave erratically on a Community Connect 4 network.
Reference articles from Microsoft, including downloads and documentation for Microsoft Remote Desktop Clients used to connect to CC4 Access.
Reference articles from Microsoft, including downloads and documentation for Microsoft Remote Desktop Clients used to connect to CC4 Access.
Explains how to use the RM Management Console (RMMC) to deliver a GPO with the Internet Explorer settings required for RM Unify device single sign-on (SSO).
Explains how to use the RM Management Console (RMMC) to deliver a GPO with the Internet Explorer settings required for RM Unify device single sign-on (SSO).
Explains why an error message "A remote desktop deployment does not exist in server pool" is displayed when you try to access the Remote Desktop ...