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CC4 Help

You can also use this process to log users off multiple computers.

CC4 Help

You can choose whether to show only updates applicable to selected computers.

CC4 Help

... and uninstallation command-line arguments for MSI and EXE products, and choose whether products can be repaired or uninstalled from computers .

CC4 Help

You can also set a schedule for when the updates are installed on the computers in your network.

CC4 Help

Control Set Properties: General windowA control set is a grouping of users and/or computers.

CC4 Help

... changes to the location only, or to the location and any combination of the sublocations within the location, and the computers within the location.

CC4 Help

Group Properties: Members windowThis window enables you to manage the users, computers and groups that are members of the security group.

CC4 Help

Assign Package or Product windowThis window enables you to assign packages and products to one or more computers.

CC4 Help

... changes to the location only, or to the location and any combination of the sublocations within the location, and the computers within the location.

CC4 Help

Assign Package or Product windowThis window enables you to assign packages and products to one or more computers.

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