How to modify the DHCP settings on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks so that computers register reverse PTR records correctly.
The build disk stored on the computer that is used to boot the RMR and LST rebuild process does not have the custom network card driver added to the ...
Index article with links to technical and reference articles on the Community Connect 4 computer build process.
Explains why there is an incorrect build date recorded in a Windows 10 computer's RM Management Console (RMMC) properties.
Explains why the 'Perform complete WSUS synchronise on target machines' scheduled task only targets clients at the main site.
Details why the error message "The entered computer name is invalid" is displayed when you try to rename a computer on a Community Connect 4 network.
Describes an issue where you unable to view the computer properties from the RM Management Console (RMMC).
If computer build hangs while Creating Package Manager Job, you can resolve the issue by restarting RM Service Host.
Local Support Tools (LST) appears to be assigned to Community Connect 4 (CC4) computers, but remote tasks fail.
Information about changing the RM GateKeeper logging level on both Community Connect 4 computers and saving the log.