Provides an update to remap all the network drives and printers for locations using RM My Connect.
... Group Properties: Memberships pageThis window enables you to add or remove members of a selection group of users, printers, computers or programs.
Printer Properties: Assignments windowThis window displays the locations and computers which are configured to print to a printer.
Provides a CC4 update to fix a potential security risk after CC4UPD203.
Describes how to improve user log on times on CC4 networks.
Selection groups are groups of computers, programs, printers or users that can be selected as a Report Target.
If you try to manually approve an update, a lengthy error is seen and it will not let you change the approval status.
Instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Provides download and instructions for installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Details the instructions to add new wireless clients to the 802.1x authentication list after a Fortinet Meru managed wireless installation.