Printer Properties: Assignments windowThis window displays the locations and computers which are configured to print to a printer.
... window allows you to choose to:Enable logging for package deployment tasksShow system packagesTemporarily wake up computers for deployment.
for example, if you are assigning a specific package to one or more computers , the Select Item window will only allow you to select computers.
Printer Properties: Assignments windowThis window displays the locations and computers which are configured to print to a printer.
for example, if you are assigning a specific package to one or more computers , the Select Item window will only allow you to select computers.
... window allows you to choose to:Enable logging for package deployment tasksShow system packagesTemporarily wake up computers for deployment.
Repair Package or Product windowThis window enables you to repair a package or product on selected computers.
Edit Multiple Notes windowThis window enables you to add notes to multiple selected computers or users.