Explains the behaviour of the retain the existing packages option for a computer build.
CC4 builds to Windows 10 20H2 may stall and require manual intervention due to Windows updates failing to install at the end of the build.
This article discusses the Community Connect® 4 (CC4) build diagnostics button entries and how to troubleshoot failures at this point of the build.
Details a known issue with the mapping of printers if various Windows updates are installed.
Explains a workaround should user deletion fail if the AD account has an attached ActiveSync object.
Explains a workaround should user deletion fail if the AD account has an attached ActiveSync object.
Provides information on how Windows 10 will be delivered and serviced on CC4.
Describes why the UEFI PXE build fails with an error "PXE-E16 - No offer received" on a Community Connect 4 network.
Describes the additional steps which may be required on different Community Connect 4 networks after installing new build disks.
Provides advice on the licence key needed to activate Windows 10 and 8.1 on CC4.