Provides a new version of the 'RM Visual Studio dotNet C Runtime Updater' package (v4.3.439.0) for 8.1 Community Connect 4 (CC4) build client networks.
Details an issue where recent user changes made within RM Unify Network Provisioning do not show up in a CC4 network.
Drive Mapping windowThis window enables you to add or edit the drive mappings for the selected computers or location.
Drive Mapping windowThis window enables you to add or edit the drive mappings for the selected computers or location.
Instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module which fixes the Start menu issue on CC4 Access servers.
... Group Properties: Memberships pageThis window enables you to add or remove members of a selection group of users, printers, computers or programs.