Explains why the error message "Error Description: Cannot open database "SUSDB" requested by the login" appears when attempting to open Windows ...
Describes how to add the UEV policies to the CC4 RMMC.
Details why the Community Connect 4 computer builds fail at the bootstrapper phase (job for additional packages).
Step by step guide on how to log, view or update calls using RM Support Online.
How to successfully move users using the RM Management Console between servers if they have long file names in the users' My Documents area.
A download to install updated drivers for use during computer builds on Community Connect 4 networks.
Describes scenarios that may lead to build failures after installing CC4UPD203.
Community Connect 4 computer build process fails with error "Image handling exception: WIMGAPI function WIMSetTemporaryPath failed with error 3 while ...
Shows how to discover which username was used to start a computer rebuild.
Provides a CC4 update to import a Google Chrome package and associated policies into the RM Management Console.