Provides information about a manual process that can be used to recover a failed CC4 core upgrade.
Provides information about a manual process that can be used to recover a failed CC4 core upgrade.
Describes the RM Tutor 6.1 client and control user registry policies and options with their default values for standard user types.
Background content for RM_Tutor_6.1_default_policy_settings.pdf
Provides download and instructions for installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Describes how to use 'Name and Connectivity Server' to locate and connect to student computers in LAN/wireless LAN environments, particularly where ...
Describes how to use 'Name and Connectivity Server' to locate and connect to student computers in LAN/wireless LAN environments, particularly where ...
Provides information about the RM Support position for CC4 components on a CoP network.
Provides information about the RM Support position for CC4 components on a CoP network.
Provides a new version of the 'RM Visual Studio dotNet C Runtime Updater' package (v4.3.439.0) for 8.1 Community Connect 4 (CC4) build client networks.