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Showing : 51 - 60 of 61 Rank | Date
Technical Article

Software Restrictions allow you to specify what software is allowed to run on your system. This only applies to Community Connect 4.

Technical Article

Explains why users experience a long delay before a useable desktop is available and why you are unable to reset user profiles, move users and apply ...

Technical Article

Error message "This operation has been cancelled due to restrictions in effect on this computer.

Technical Article

Describes various symptoms that may occur after a forced restart of RM Service Host and how to resolve them.

Technical Article

Explains why you are unable to move a user account in the CC4 RMMC.

Technical Article

You see an error message when you try to delete a user folder (e.g. Students\Year1) in the RM Management Console (RMMC).

Technical Article

Provides one example where the RMMC may not load users correctly.

Technical Article

Explains why attempting to log on to a CC4 computer with a username longer than 20 characters may fail.

Technical Article

Provides the steps to resolve the error "Creation of [user name] failed, which may be due to delay in AD replication", which appears when creating a ...

News and Alert

Provides information on a new release that customers should install if they use UEV on CC4.

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