Edit All Notes windowThis window enables you to add notes to all computers or all users.
Printer Properties: Assignments windowThis window displays the locations and computers which are configured to print to a printer.
for example, if you are assigning a specific package to one or more computers , the Select Item window will only allow you to select computers.
... window allows you to choose to:Enable logging for package deployment tasksShow system packagesTemporarily wake up computers for deployment.
Repair Package or Product windowThis window enables you to repair a package or product on selected computers.
Edit Multiple Notes windowThis window enables you to add notes to multiple selected computers or users.
Reinstall Package or Product windowThis window enables you to reinstall a package or product on selected computers.
... can also click the System button to view the packages assigned by default to all computers built on your network, regardless of their location.
You can also set a schedule for when the updates are installed on the computers in your network.