Provides download and instructions for installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Details an issue where RM OneDrive Mapper fails to map drive when MFA is enabled with a user account in Microsoft 365.
Describes a known issue where Windows 10 computers will fail to build if the NLA service is disabled or stopped.
Provides advice to customers about a recent Adobe Creative Cloud desktop app vulnerability.
Explains the cause of the error "APC_INDEX_MISMATCH" with a blue screen.
Explains why object auditing settings in GPOs may cause high disk I/O, poor performance or logon delays on domain controllers and Member servers.
Describes how to import additional ADM or ADMX templates into the RM Management Console.
Explains why the Microsoft Teams desktop app can have large cache files.
Procedure for adding a registry fragment to Custom Settings on a CC4 network using RM Type Manager.