... in the assignment overview, you can see the status of selected locations and computers to which those packages and products have been assigned.
... Tasks HelpSeveral tasks in the RM Management Console can be scheduled, for example rebuilding and restarting computers and package allocation.
We recommend that you only run a health check when registry policies are not being applied correctly to users or computers.
... scheduled task, such as the last time the task was modified, the commands being run by the task, and the names of the computers which will be updated.
... automatic approvalYou can select specific update types to be installed on computers automatically, that is, without you needing to approve them first.
... Internet access for a locationYou can set up a location so that computers within the location are either allowed to access the Internet, or prevented ...
If one or more of the constituent packages is unavailable, you must import those packages before you can assign the product to computers.