A download to install updated drivers for use during computer builds on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks.
Explains how to adjust the recovery partition in a CC4 build template to take account of smaller disks.
Explains how to adjust the recovery partition in a CC4 build template to take account of smaller disks.
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module, to resolve issues with touch screen devices on CC4 networks.
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module, to resolve issues with touch screen devices on CC4 networks.
Provides steps to renew the expired CC4 Access certificate
Provides steps to renew the expired CC4 Access certificate
Details the situation where the System Administrator UserType GPO is applied to users who are assigned privileged user status on a CC4 computer .
Details the situation where the System Administrator UserType GPO is applied to users who are assigned privileged user status on a CC4 computer .
Describes a known issue where Windows 10 computers will fail to build if the NLA service is disabled or stopped.