When using RM Smart Client to turn a Vanilla Workstation into a Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer the process fails.
Process to resolve the issue of the Message Queuing Triggers service failing to start during the computer boot on Windows 10 1809 machines.
Details an issue where toast notifications will not work for restricted users in Windows 10 computers on a CC4 network.
Explains how users can pin and unpin items on the taskbar on Windows 10 computers on Community Connect 4.
Describes why the power button in CC4 Windows 10 computers show for all users and cannot be easily removed.
Details why older computers whose HDD drives have been replaced with SSD drives behave erratically on a Community Connect 4 network.
Local Support Tools (LST) appears to be assigned to Community Connect 4 (CC4) computers, but remote tasks fail.
After you have built a CC4 computer and you try to log on, the username and password fields are blanked or a .\ is shown in the username field.
Details why the error message "The entered computer name is invalid" is displayed when you try to rename a computer on a Community Connect 4 network.
Explains why computers hang at boot with a "Please Wait" message after being switched off for some time.