Explains how to edit the security permissions associated with a Community Connect 4 (CC4) package, via write-access entries.
Details steps to diagnose issues with program sets on Community Connect 4 (CC4).
Details steps to diagnose issues with program sets on Community Connect 4 (CC4).
Explains how to assign the RM Management Console (RMMC) to computers in Community Connect 4.
Describes the Bootstrapper process and its involvement in the Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer build process.
Provides the recommended procedure for determining the maximum number of simultaneous builds which can be supported on Community Connect 4 (CC4) and ...
Software Restrictions allow you to specify what software is allowed to run on your system. This only applies to Community Connect 4.
Essential and frequently updated guide to CC4 updates, including which ones must be installed and which have been superseded.