Details why non-administrative users can access local drives by creating a shortcut on N: drive on a Community Connect 4 network and provides a ...
A download to install updated drivers for use during computer builds on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks.
Explains why an error message "A remote desktop deployment does not exist in server pool" is displayed when you try to access the Remote Desktop ...
Describes how to use DPInst to install drivers in order, as part of the CC4 automated build process.
Describes how the Windows firewall should be configured on a Community Connect 4 or Connect on Prem (COP) server.
Describes a known limitation with Printix if your 'Follow-Me' print solution involves 'departmental accounts'.
Provides advice to customers about a recent root certificate expiry.
Describes how to change the default disk quota set for new users with RM Unify Network Provisioning.
Explains how to install updates for all versions of Veritas Backup Exec pre v20.
Explains how to ensure that a proxy server change is correctly reflected in all settings on all computers on a CC4 network.