... the right-hand pane might not reflect the latest state of information, for example after you have created many users or updated a number of packages .
How to export the event logs from a server or computer in preparation for archiving or sending to an RM engineer for investigation.
When using RM Smart Client to turn a Vanilla Workstation into a Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer the process fails.
Describes an issue you will see if computers default to Windows Home edition during rebuilds or if you have devices with this version of the ...
Provides workaround to the issue of not able to open Microsoft Edge (Chromium) following recent update when using UEV.
Some of the issues that may be seen when attempting to Smartclient a Windows 10 computer onto a CC4 network, along with known resolutions or workarounds.
Details why the CC4 Access policy setting may prevent CC4 Access server from core upgrading successfully.
Describes how to authorise staff users to view students' work folders on CC4 networks, and how to view the folders.
Background content for windows_10_v22h2_for_cc4_release_note.pdf