Up-to-date details of the known issues with CC4 Windows 10 version 20H2, 21H2 and 22H2 computers.
Describes how to use 'Name and Connectivity Server' to locate and connect to student computers in LAN/wireless LAN environments, particularly where ...
Explains why the error message "An error occurred when retrieving running tasks from Job Manager: Requested Service not found" is displayed when the ...
Provides details of the firewall exception rules required by RM Tutor 6.1.
You get the error "Security Exception, Requested 'PasswordManager.GetRules' by User DOMAIN\staffuser" when a user's password is changed in the RMMC.
A table showing what software is compatible with and supported on each current CC4 network version.
Provides information on the upcoming changes for Microsoft Office in October 2020.
Gives advice on rare APCPBEAgent events that appear in the Application log.
Details an issue where a computer build may fail if a scheduled task to start, shutdown or restart a computer runs during the build process.
Explains how to enable Windows Update 'Features on Demand' on a CC4 network to install additional language packs or remote administration.