Provides an important update for CC4 network security hardening.
Provides a new version of RM System Proxy and RM Vista Activation Proxy, to fix issues with the proxy bypass list.
Provides a new version of the RM Client Security Module and a new version of the CC4 Access server StationType group policy object.
Applies policy changes to activate Microsoft fix for the potential issue.
Provides an update to apply registry keys to enable the fix for the Meltdown vulnerability.
Provides a new version of RM Desktop Agent to fix issues in delivering Program Sets on CC4 computers.
Provides a CC4 update for handling WSUS updates after the install of CC4UPD203.
Provides an update to use https search provider in Google Chrome policy settings.
Provides an update to use the search provider in Microsoft Edge (Chromium) policy settings.
This is a critical CC4 update to the RM Service Host which enhances security in the component.