You can use the Tasks function in RM Management Console (RMMC) to shutdown multiple computers on networks running Community Connect 4.
When a custom registry file is added to a user or computer policy, it may conflict with existing registry settings that are also controlled by policy.
Shows how to discover which username was used to start a computer rebuild.
A CC4 computer build may fail, particularly on the Partition Disks action, with an error "non-build exception caught".
Guide to Community Connect 4 Microsoft updates released by RM through Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (Microsoft WSUS).
Guide to Community Connect 4 Microsoft updates released by RM through Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (Microsoft WSUS).
Gives details of the recommended specifications for Community Connect 4.5 and CoP servers and computers.
Lists the user and computer policy changes that are included in Windows 8.1 for Community Connect 4 (CC4) and describes how to add these to the ...
When a custom registry file is added to a user or computer policy, it may conflict with existing registry settings that are also controlled by policy.
Gives details of the recommended specifications for Community Connect 4.5 and CoP servers and computers.