Provides a rollup of CC4 updates for CC4.3, CC4.5 and CoP networks. This tool covers updates from CC4UPD200 to CC4UPD216.
This is a critical CC4 update to the RM Service Host which enhances security in the component.
Provides recommendation and guidelines on how to keep your RM Tutor installation secure and functioning.
Provides a fix for an issue where the RM Management Console (RMMC) may crash because of too many Postgres.exe instances.
Provides advice to overcome the issue when the local OSImagesCache.xml file is corrupted on a Community Connect 4 network.
Error "ExclusiveUseChecker has stopped working" message is displayed when you log on to the computer as any user type on a Community Connect 4 network.
Describes known issues you might experience while using the Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (Microsoft WSUS) on your CC4 network and how to ...
For example, to create a new smart-list for packages, expand Software and then choose Packages & Products.
Provides advice on installing Trend Micro Worry-Free Business Security Advanced.
Updates the group permissions for Network Manager group on CC4.