Gives details of the recommended specifications for Community Connect 4.5 and CoP servers and computers.
Outlines the steps required to successfully activate Windows 10 computers.
Explains how to update a Community Connect 4 (CC4) computer with the latest system updates.
Explains how to update the Microsoft Office Pro Plus 2019 volume licence key.
Provides a download of the CC5 Readiness Tool for Community Connect 4 (CC4) computers.
Provides the instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft Teams for Community Connect 4 networks.
Explains how to remove the CC4 OneDrive Mapper from your network.
Describes how to make the RM Tutor 6/6.1 Tech Console available to users who are not system administrators.
Provides information on a new release that customers should install if they use UEV on CC4.
Gives instructions for removing the RM Network Recycle Bin components from a CC4 network.