Process to resolve the issue of the Message Queuing Triggers service failing to start during the computer boot on Windows 10 1809 machines.
Provides steps to enable RM Client Security Module logging on a Community Connect 4 network.
Details the situation where the System Administrator UserType GPO is applied to users who are assigned privileged user status on a CC4 computer.
Instructions for downloading and installing Microsoft .NET Framework 4.6.2 for Community Connect 4 networks.
Provides a CC4 update for importing higher version drivers into the RM Management Console (RMMC).
Outlines the steps you will need to take to allow Microsoft Office 2010/2013/2016/2019 to activate through a proxy server.
Provides an update to ensure that User Account Control (UAC) is switched off on Community Connect 4 servers running Microsoft Windows Server 2012R2.
Provides a video explaining the steps you need to take to change a pupil's password.
A download to install updated drivers for use during computer builds on Community Connect 4 (CC4) networks.
Gives instructions for removing the RM Network Recycle Bin components from a CC4 network.