Process for disabling and enabling users from the internet in CC4.
When an RM product or update is installed, installation log files are generated which may prove useful in troubleshooting a failed installation.
Single-page overview of sources of help and information for CC4 networks; can be used as a handout for all CC4 users.
The RM Tutor 6.1 Mobile Device Licensing Tool allows RM Tutor 6.1 to connect to iOS, Android and Chrome mobile devices.
Provides steps to add your current user name to CC4 Access web pages.
Provides a CC4 update to upgrade SQL Server Compact Edition 3.5.
The NumLock function is turned on when you try to log on to your Community Connect 4 computer so your username and password are not accepted.
A guide to the command-line options when using Windows Installer.
Describes why the power button in CC4 Windows 10 computers show for all users and cannot be easily removed.
Provides a CC4 update to add new CC4 Build Root and Build SSL Certificates to maintain CC4 build security.